View live site

Project Title

HardDrill Logistics

The web landing page is for a logistics company. It is meant to offer all the necessary information to users. Utimately the aim is to increase conversion

Project Duration

Dec 2023 - Jan 2024

Project Overview

The aim of this webpage is to persuade visitors to take an action. Mainly, to provide their email address for a quick quotation.

Users can skim through the webpage and have a clear understanding about the company. This involves knowing their services and their discount packages etc.

Tools Used


My Role

UI Designer,

The Problem

This project was inspired by a couple of logistics websites I visited. I noticed a few things that were a bit confusing for the user.

  • Cluttered and confusing hero page
  • A lack of a comprehensive encapsulation of what the company is about

The Solution

As a solution there a couple of changes that I implemented in this new design. These features were put in place to improve overall user experience.

  • Call to action page on the hero area and a simple quotation form.
  • A comprehensive description about the company to lessen frustrations in users.
  • Most importantly, there is a FAQ(Frequently asked questions) section. This saves time for the user and the company stuff.

Hi-fi Wireframes


Style Guide

Color Pallete



The End